Bricks & Mortar
Mobile: 07471158607
Landline: 01501 901364
Shop opening times
Monday 12 til 10pm
Tuesday 12 til 10pm
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday 4PM til 10PM
Friday 10 til 10pm
Saturday 10 til 10pm
Sunday: 1pm til 10PM
Prices: £3 per person per gaming session. No more than £6 for a day regardless.
As we have now opened a Bricks & Mortar shop, we would like to introduce people on how we intend on running the new layout that we have. Just so people know what we do and what we are planning.
We are Two businesses on one premises. Mighty Minis UK is our 3d printing business & Mighty Miniatures UK Ltd is our retail shop based in our premsies
As with any Bricks & Mortar shop we do have policies in place that are their for peoples safety and for them to be able to enjoy the experience within our building.
So we thought we would outline them here so people know where they stand. we want all our customers who come in to see what we do to have an enjoyable experience and with this in mind we have created a set of rules for everyone so theres no misunderstanding,
NO.... Sometimes we do however have to say NO to people coming in that are going to deliberatly try to upset and disrupt whats going on. So, we reserve the right to refuse entry to people at any time for everyone to have a more enjoyable gaming experience. We dont want to bar people but we are going to implement rules that we will ask everyone to keep.
Have Fun - We want everyone who comes in to play games to have a fun time in a safe and secure environement. After all, why game if you cant enjoy it. Come along, take part in develeoping a community of gamers that people can enjoy time with and can set a good example to the rest of the community.
Politics, Religion, Idiologies and other...
We are going to ask people to not talk about Politics, Religion, Idiologies and other sujects that are going to cause people to fall out and start taking sides with groups which causes division. In effect, leave it at the door.
(The exception will be discussions that relate to history that is part of some game settings as part of an interactive experience)
We are also going to ask for people to not do anything which is likely to intimidate, offend, insult, humiliate or discriminate against any other person on the ground of gender, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, sexual orientation, social background, ethnic origin, language, marital or civil partnership status or pregnancy
It may come around that people ask who we as a business support in regards to politics, religious beliefs, ideoligies and other sujects. Our stance is that we support everyones right to come and play games in our building regarless of politics, religion, ideologies or other. We wont be baited to discuss and take sides for any one person or group.
We do have CCTV cameras in place a and staff also have the right to record for their own and others protection via the cameras and also by mobile phones to help us keep the place safe and secure for all those who come in.
We are also going to ask people to NOT take pictures of people, staff or situations without permission from staff.
If we find people are filming and posting it online in a negative way, you wont get back in.
We are also going to ask people that when they first come in, to remove all scarves, hoodies, face masks & caps. (This is to keep everyone safe and we can disuade thiefs/criminals from coming in. (you can put them back on when you pass reception).
We are going to ask people to not use vulgare language or swear while on the premises. We operate as a normal shop and would ask people to remember that other members of the public will come in and we dont want to reflect any negativity.
We are going to ask people to respect all staff within the shop and that any harrassment towards staff in the shop (or outwith the building that has a connection to the goings on in the shop) will cause people to be refused entry.
Staff also reserve the right to refuse entry or to ask people to leave without having to debate or explain everything to them. Were not here to mess around with people and were not going to put up with any nonsense.
Mental Health
We are aware that gaming is a great avenue for people with mental health issues to grow in life and development. So we are going to be asking people to be kind towards everyone who is in the building and to be aware that some poeple may be going through difficult periods in life and should be given space and respect as they overcome things. So the RESPECT policy comes into play here and we are going to ask that there will be no slander, ridicule and belittle people with mental health issues.
Smoking, Drugs & Alcohol
As a public business we are going to ask that people dont smoke, take drugs (except those prescribed by a doctor) or consume alcohol on the premises. We are also going to ask people not to come in intoxicated with alcohol or drugs.
Its simple - DO NOT STEAL -Regardless. Theres a police station less than 100 yards away from us. All thefts will lead to prosecution.