About Us
Welcome to our store - Mighty Minis UK
We are a new business based in Scotland & have been playing wargames for over 20 years with a variety of experience of running events, buying & trading models for our hobbies and being part of the hobby scene in the UK.
Our main hobby is Epic 40k, which i started playing in 93/94 and have been playing/painting and been part of the scene since. This has enabled us to identify a market that is much needed in the UK.
We are going to supply models and terrain to people in the UK from suppliers from the USA, Canada and the EU without the added extra of VAT/Tax from importing due to Brexit in the UK. This will enable our customers to get the models they need without having to pay over the top prices.
We aim to supply as many ranges as possible.
We also aim to supply home grown resin printed models and terrain in the near future from Steel Warrior Studios as a licensed supplier to the UK.
You can also follow us on FB at the following link: Mighty Minis Community
Or on my painting page: Daves Painting Page